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Today’s fast-paced world often makes it difficult for us to pause and reflect. It doesn’t allow us the time and space to develop ourselves to the best of our ability


Using art as the medium, the simple aim of this mentorship program is to provide your child with the guidance, tools, time, and space needed to take a step towards recognising their potential both as individuals and as part of the whole.

  • Limited to 5 seats only

  • For children aged 9-14 yrs

  • Every Saturday for 2 to 2.5 hrs

  • Starting September 2024

  • Location Ballygunge, Kolkata

Topics we aim to explore over time :

Drawing, Painting, Art Theory, Colour Theory, Paper Art, Texture Art, Storytelling, Working with Clay & Mud, Recycling & Reusing through Art, Spatial Design and lots more!

Feel free to get in touch with us for any and all further questions.

Once you provide your contact information, we will share the program details and application process with you.

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Let's Get Started

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